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Writer's pictureJen Cochran

Reflections from our team - looking back from our one year quarantine anniversary

This is the last time the Gård team all got together – our annual planning meeting just before our world changed. On this day one year ago, our businesses and our lives were turned upside down in the face of a pandemic we never expected to see in our lifetime. Our team reflects on the past year…

"The past year has taught me a lot about perseverance – and the amazing resiliency demonstrated by those around me during quarantine, particularly in my children and our Gård team, who in many cases had their realities and norms completely pulled out from under them without much notice or time to prepare. It was incredible to see people pivot and embrace change and a “new normal” (over and over again!) – and the extra time together with my kids was something I will always treasure. There were stressful times for sure, and lots of 'togetherness,' but I appreciated the change of pace and new experiences the past year provided."

"I have learned that despite our differences, our community will come together to help each other in a crisis, and it will take more than a pandemic to stop people drinking wine!"

"I’m generally not great with change, but this last year I have been forced to pivot (word of the year, right?!?) innumerable times which has made me stronger and more confident in my capabilities and what I have to offer. In addition, I have become closer with my tweens and my spouse – we’ve been able (aka forced😊) to spend a lot more quality time together and I will cherish that forever."

"During quarantine I made a list of all the positives to help keep me in the right mindset: More home cooked meals, dog walks, sleeping in (gym was closed ☹), spent less $$, my schedule wasn't so jam-packed, slowed down more, home yoga, cleaned and organized my home, no traffic, more hikes, found deeper & more meaningful relationships, and learned who was most important in my life."

"One thing I would have to say that stood out for me most was the support our community has for one another in the hardest of times. Our club members went above and beyond to support us and make sure we were doing ok and we made sure to support our local businesses as well."

"Though this past year has been challenging, I looked at it as a gift and a year of growth. I was able to spend more time with my son and husband than I ever have. It forced me to slow down, realize what matters most and appreciate it even more. This past year has taught me patience, and most importantly, not to take things for granted...even the little things.😊"

"The last year has been one of tangible losses and intangible gains. I lost three jobs - two of which were burdens that did not make me happy, and I ended up with a job that I truly enjoy that has helped me to grow in ways I never imagined. There were certainly times I thought I was out of options and literally had no idea what my tomorrow would look like, but I am now beyond grateful to have said goodbye in the past year to so much that was not serving me. Cheers to unexpected doors closed and perfectly-timed new beginnings!"

I think we all can say we've learned a lot over this past year and that supporting each other - be it friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, small businesses, etc - is the only way to get through a year like the one we've had. We are grateful for YOUR support. Thank you and cheers!


P.S. We'd love to hear about what you've learned over the past year. Comment below.

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